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Register your .IO domain

Time to grow with a .IO

Why Choose a .IO Domain?

Short and memorable, .io is fun to say. If you’re starting a brand new business, it’s a good opportunity to use your name to stand out from the rest. Plus, if your .com has been taken, there’s a good chance you will be able to register your dream .io domain now.

Is a .IO Right For Me?

If you’re a savvy startup and clever tech company, .io is for you. As you may already know, ’IO’ or ‘I/O’ is commonly used when referring to input/output, so if you want to be associated with technology, bag a cheap .io domain name and get cracking.

Boom boom boom, let me hear you say .IO

Not just for tech, a .io lends itself to domain hacks like and - clever right? In Italian .io means ‘I’ which makes this domain ideal for personal websites, so if you’re embarking on carving out your own place on the web, buy a .io domain now.

Get your .io domain for just



Discover .io domain prices

  1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
.io  registration

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life

25% off 1st year$57.98
25% off 1st year$115.96
25% off 1st year$173.94
25% off 1st year$231.92
25% off 1st year$289.90
.io  renewal

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life

.io  transfer

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life


Safety and support for your .io

Real DNS Power

Real DNS Power

Namecheap’s network of DNS servers covers Europe and the US to deliver 99.99% uptime – keeping your site running smoothly. Other DNS features include URL and email forwarding to keep your business moving forward too. Plus, we help keep your web traffic safe with DNSSEC as standard on all eligible domains.

Domain privacy protection

Domain privacy protection

For increased privacy, a domain privacy service will mask your personal domain data from the publicly accessible Whois database. This also reduces spam and protects you against identity theft. Best of all, it’s included FREE for life with every eligible Namecheap domain you register.

Find a .io domain alternative

25% off
71% off

Perfect partners for your .io

Shared Hosting
Shared Hosting

Starting at $1.98/month

Add Shared Hosting so you can publish your site quickly and easily. Comes with free Website Builder and your choice of content management system, such as WordPress. See web hosting plans →

SSL Protection
SSL Protection

Starting at $5.99/year

Choose from top SSL certificates to secure your site data – from personal blogs to global e-commerce. Right now you can get a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate at an exclusive price for your first year of any new registration. View all SSLs →

Premium DNS
Premium DNS

Just $4.88/year

Protect your business from DNS DDoS attacks and data leaks without slowing your site down. Our PremiumDNS gives you speed, security, and a 100% uptime guarantee. Shop our DNS services →

Private Email
Private Email

Free trial

Get fast, intuitive business or personal email that’s synced to your new domain name. All your contacts and calendars in one private, secure platform. Try any Private Email plan, free for two months. View our Private Email plans →

Frequently asked questions

  • For how many years can I buy .io domains? Where can I buy them?

    Want to know how much .io domains cost per year? A .io domain extension can be registered for 1-10 years. The cost per year varies, so make sure you grab a good price on a .io when you purchase a multi-year registration.

    Registration doesn’t take long and it’s easy to do, so reserve your .io top level domain name today.

  • How do you register a .io domain name?

    A lot of people want to know how to get a .io domain for a website - it’s easy! The first step is to check if your name is available for sale by using our Domain Name Search. Once you’ve found a name, add any additional products and confirm your order.

    If you want to know where you can register and buy .io domain names, the answer is Namecheap - the best place to buy your domain.

  • How long can domain registration take?

    The registration process takes just a few minutes. After checkout is complete and the order has been placed, your .io domain can be set up.

  • When did tech professionals start using .io?

    Seeing the potential of .io as a tech-conscious, feature-leaning prefix for IT domains, tech professionals began snapping up these TLDs back in the late ‘90s. Now, as the digital world begins to dominate just about everything, the popularity is growing more rapidly.

    Looking for one of the cheapest .io domain names on the block? Choose Namecheap as your .io TLD registrar and register your top level domain name for a great price now.

  • Is a .io extension good for a domain?

    A .io extension is a great domain for tech companies, startups, and personal websites. It also lends itself to domain hacks like and

  • Do I need to reside in the British Indian Ocean Territory to register .io domain?

    No, Individuals and organizations do not need to have a fixed address in the British Indian Ocean Territory to register a .io domain. Anyone can search for a domain and reserve their .io.

  • Are there any restrictions?

    Per registry regulations, no .io domain may be used, directly or indirectly, for any purpose that is sexual or pornographic in nature, or violates the statutory laws of any nation. In the event that a specific website breaches this condition, the NIC.IO registry reserves the right to immediately deactivate the domain. The applicant may seek the reinstatement of any suspended domain name by requesting an arbitrator appointed by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

    Now that you know what you can’t do, go and grab your .io domain at a great price before it’s gone.

  • Can I hide my contact details for a .io domain, so that they are not shown in the public Whois database?

    Yes, you can get domain privacy for .io, so your data will be safe from spam or any other online abuse.

  • How can I renew my .io domain registration?

    You can renew your domain without causing any problems for your site.

    The easiest way is to add credit to your Namecheap Account. Alternatively, you can provide a card number that we can use for auto-renewal.

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